I confirm that I have received information about the processing of personal data in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR. Consent is voluntary. I may revoke the consent of any of the Joint Administrators with effect in the future. If I refuse to give consent or withdraw my consent, there are no negative consequences for me. It is true that I cannot be excluded from a competition in which I have entered just because I have not given the above consent (consent) to the processing of my personal data. If I decide to withdraw my consent, I can contact the administrator at the e-mail osobniudaje@G5plusHR.cz or send a written notification to the address of the administrator's headquarters or appear in person at the administrator's branch.
I grant the company G5 Plus, s.r.o., identification number 27251837, with registered office at Školská 20, 110 00 Prague 1, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file number C 311763, consent to direct marketing consisting of sending information about marketing events and business communications from the administrator, including e.g. polls; communication can take place, for example, by e-mail or telephone conversation.
I give my consent to the company G5 Plus s.r.o., ID number 27251837, with registered office at Školská 20, 110 00 Prague 1, registered in the commercial register maintained by the Municipal Court in Prague, file number C 3117, správci sp. entry and registration of my identity in the register of job applicants maintained by the Joint Administrator. During the time that I am registered as a job seeker in the register of job seekers, the administrator has the right to:
contact me with an offer to participate in the selection process for a suitable vacancy for me,
process my personal data for the purpose of my profiling, which facilitates the selection of suitable vacancies.
I give my consent for 5 years, unless I withdraw my consent earlier.
I confirm that I have received information about the processing of personal data in accordance with Article 13 of the GDPR. Consent is voluntary. I may revoke the consent of any of the Joint Administrators with effect in the future. If I refuse to give consent or withdraw my consent, there are no negative consequences for me. It is true that I cannot be excluded from a competition in which I have entered just because I have not given the above consent (consent) to the processing of my personal data. If I decide to withdraw my consent, I can contact the administrator at the e-mail osobniudaje@G5plusHR.cz or send a written notification to the address of the administrator's headquarters or appear in person at the administrator's branch.